«Being part of what God is doing» is much more than a "sales pitch" for us. It is an expression of our culture and our passion - and it is our commitment to facilitate for each individual to discover and experience for themselves more of what God has for us. Our approach is like this: That you and your qualities were created for a purpose and have a role in what God is doing today!

A year at Bible school should of course be fun, social and educational. But it should also have value and make you better equipped for what comes next.
When you attend Acta, you do NOT live in an isolated bubble, but become part of the large and diverse environment behind, for example, IMPULS, Åpen himmel, Godhet and the IMI church. This is extremely important, both because this environment will be there for you after the Bible school year is over, but also because there is a long range of tasks and practical assignments that can be adapted to fit YOUR equipment and experience.
If you come from a congregation in the Rogaland region, then there is also nothing to prevent us from finding practice in collaboration with your congregation. Our philosophy does not begin with you having to adapt to what we already have or can do, but that we should make arrangements for you to grow further in exactly what God has for you.
In an ordinary week, all students at Acta are together three days a week. These are the fundamentals of the Bible school, and it is about community, Christian doctrine, Bible knowledge, biblical topics and tools for personal development.
Then the international students have their specialized days that make it even more convenient for your interests, gifts and in regards toward language.
Our foremost and best characteristic as a church and followers of Jesus is that God is with us and among us. Faith is more to us than theory, more than a way of understanding reality, and more than emotions. We believe that God is personal, that he is alive and actively present in our world – and that we can meet with him. That is why we set aside plenty of time together for the Bible, prayer, praise and worship in order to learn to know him better.
God created Adam and said it was not good for him to be alone. Jesus prayed that we would be as one. We believe that the congregation is meant to be more than an organization. The Bible refers to the community of Christians as brothers and sisters - a family. That is why house churches, honest lives and generosity towards each other are important to us.
When we meet God as he is, we do not leave unchanged. His goodness marks and changes us. We believe that we, as a church and followers of Jesus, have a calling to pass on the goodness that we ourselves have received. Therefore, we value practical goodness, God's power made visible through signs and wonders, and preaching the gospel with words. Fundamentally, this is not something forced over us, but a fruit of being loved ourselves.
Everyday school life at Acta Bible School is characterized by becoming part of an environment that wants to facilitate so that you can develop your gifts - together with other people who are also passionate about Jesus.
Here is an everyday community that fascilitates, for example, Impuls, Godhet Norge, Åpen Himmel, a large mission work, as well as a strong church youth and student work. We also have a great commitment to society, and like to collaborate with other players who want to mean something to other people. This environment is also there when the formal school day - and the school year - is over.
Part of the school days is about teaching to get to know the Bible better and gain experience with how God is active today. Central to our distinctive character is also that we want you to get to know more about what God has given you. So practice is primarily chosen on the basis of you and your gifts, rather than our apparent needs. The school year should be social, safe and educational - but also about what you're left with afterwards: Important for our way of doing Bible school, the point is not to shield ourselves from the outside world, but rather to experience how faith in Jesus is a gain and a strength when going on to higher education or work, so that we take an active part in building our common society further. You will become stronger from a year at Acta Bible School!