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song to give glory to God for who he is, and what he has done


a deeper relationship to Jesus and the Christian faith

be a part of an exciting and dynamic worship environment

create and publish music supported by IMI's experiences production team


Together with the other specializations, we offer solid teaching and programs in theology, Bible studies and personal development. Here you will grow and gain experience with Jesus and, not least, become more secure in what you believe in.


It is equally important that you are left with knowledge and experience that you will use in the future. Therefore, you will benefit enormously from getting to know and being part of the worship environment in the IMI movement. This is an environment that will be there for you even when the school year is over!


You can be from beginner level to experienced in worship leading. Worship is practiced every single day and in many different forms - so we'll find practice that is adapted to your experience level!


Worship is led almost every day in the IMI movement. There are many opportunities here for you to develop your gifts and to get to know personally all the people who are connected to the worship environment in IMI-kirken, IMPULS or Åpen himmel.


The "team period" is often a highlight for many. Together we go through the process of writing worship songs to publishing a professional final product on digital platforms - you can find previous productions on Spotify and Youtube. The production is led by the same production team that is behind the releases of, for example, IMPULS or the IMI church.





* Students from outside the EEA will NOT pay 35 000 NOK for a study trip / team period, but about 3000 NOK for their program.


Gunnar Warebergsgt. 15, 4021 Stavanger

Tel: 51 84 21 60 (Sentralbord, IMI)


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